Due to recent and ongoing funding changes by Whaikaha, some statements on this site may currently be out of date. Our team can clarify any queries.

Our Services

Self-Managing Service

If you want to fully manage all your own support, our Self-Managing Service might be right for you. We get you started and assist you along the way, to the level you need. 

‌This typically includes coaching support with budgeting advice, a reimbursement of expenses services, monthly statements and access to our Customer Portal with great digital tools to help with budgeting and expenses.

Payroll Service

There are many responsibilities with being an employer. If you employ support workers, you can use Manawanui’s Payroll service to take care of your financial obligations. 

‌From payslips to payment of ACC levies, for a small fee, our digital services and expert team will help make the admin easy, regardless of how many support workers or care providers you employ.

Third Party Payments

A faster, easier way to ensure your services are paid for, Third Party Payments allows you to load invoices for approved Providers and then Manawanui will use your funding to pay them directly. 

‌This means you do not need to receive the reimbursement to your bank account and cuts out all the hassle involved with handling money.

Employer Protection Package

If you employ people, for peace of mind you may want to consider insurance for protection in the event of employment disputes involving personal grievance actions and civil actions relating to injuries or illness. Manawanui makes this easy with an option for an affordable insurance package which can be purchased using your Individualised Funding.

Learn more about how EPP can help you by watching the video below. Click the link to be taken to our Youtube channel!

Watch Insurance Information Video

EMA Membership

One of our standard benefits, for all manawanui customers is FREE membership of Employers & Manufacturer's Association.

This gives you free access to the prefessional resources of the EMA, including advisers on employement relations and more.

Business Support & Employer Advocay | EMA

employ Support Worker Recruitment

employ is a recruitment website for Manawanui customers to find employees and for support workers to upload their details to be found.  It's a great way to connect with people who are looking for work, or looking to employ support workers. 

employ has been used by more than 4000 people throughout Aotearoa, and is currently free to use.   An invaluable tool for recruiting support workers, why not register and take a look around?

Visit employ now 

employ+ Recruitment Made Easy

employ+ is a recruitment service exclusively for Manawanui customers to support you in navigating the recruitment process. There are 2 different levels of support to match your comfort or capability in recruitment.

employ+ Essential

This is a great foundational level of recruitment support. Our expert team can assist you with profiling your prospective support worker requirement, sourcing prospective applicants for employer interviews, initial interviews with short-listed support workers and providing you with weekly progress updates.

employ+ Enhanced

If you require more comprehensive support, employ+ Enhanced may be right for you. It involves all the services you receive with employ+ Essential as well as administrative support for onboarding documentation, Police or Ministry of Justice checks and reference checks. And once you have recruited your new staff, the support doesn’t end there!

employ+Educate is a service to assist you establish the best training for your staff and help you – and them – achieve NZQA qualifications whilst working on the job.

Email Recruitment Support

NZQA Support Worker Training

Manawanui makes it easy to offer opportunities for your support staff to complete professional qualifications, including The New Zealand Certificate in Health & Wellbeing levels 2,3 & 4.

Our expert team, with qualified NZQA assessors, can help you to access funding grants and provide great advice and support throughout the process.