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Positive Impacts of Individualised Funding – The Good Measure Report

Manawanui / 02 August 2022
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Manawanui wanted to understand the myriad impacts Individualised Funding (IF) has on the user, their family/whanau and wider community. So, we commissioned Impact Lab - leaders in measuring the social value of organisations through a data driven ‘Good Measure’ calculation - to identify and calculate the social benefit or value of IF.

This in-depth process measured the often hard to quantify benefits Individualised Funding has on the physical and mental wellbeing of participants and their families, and thus the ‘Social ROI’ or return on investment. Whilst Manawanui and our customer have always known the IF model empowers people to make their own decisions and feel more in-control, even we were impressed by the sheer scale of benefit. Simply put – IF funding achieves a 3-fold social return on spending - a great return on investment in anyone’s books!

AS this report shows, IF clients enjoy:

  • increased mental health through the confidence of being an employer, feeling in control in choosing the best care services for their needs, learning new skills such as being an employer, and relating better to others such as their support workers.
  • Improved physical health through the improved care, monitoring and treatment of support workers they have chosen
  • Increased social achievement – as an employer of support workers that have shared interests or values

The benefits extend to family and whanau, including time freed up to do other things such as returning to work, and decreased family tension.

We have chosen to share this report as it is a testament to the Enabling Good Lives philosophy and is of potential interest to all disabled people, and their family, whanau, friends and support workers.

Good Measure Report Summary