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Meet Simon Anderson | Marketing and Relationships Lead at Manawanui

Manawanui / 25 May 2023
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Simon presents at a Manawanui Meets community meeting
Simon Anderson started life at Manawanui as an IT Project Manager, and then a move to Marketing Team Manager. But this role has rapidly expanded, and he recently assumed additional responsibility for Business Development, with both the Relationships team and the Projects team reporting to him.
However, Simon is probably most famous for his weekly appearances on the Manawanui Facebook Livestreams, where literally hundreds of customers have the opportunity to ask him sticky questions and to hear him chat with subject matter experts.
I sat down with Simon to find out a little bit more about what makes him tick.

Simon, where did you grow up?

Whangaparāoa Peninsula, in the suburb of Stanmore Bay. That area gave me an immense appreciation for nature, and everything related to the beach and oceans. Growing up in an area where there’s only one degree of separation, I have dear friends from childhood and an understanding of the importance of a supportive and tight-knit community.

What’s your favourite movie?

It’s so hard to pick with favourites across all genres. But if I had to pick one, it’s a comedy and a bit crude, filled with potty humour. ‘Year One’ is a hilarious retelling of the beginning of humanity that’s far from the truth. My friends and I would watch it together on a Sunday for our movie night tradition.

What attracted you to working at Manawanui?

Enabling disabled people to have true choice and control in their lives and making it as easy as possible. We believe Self Direction is a human right and I love being able to say I ensure disabled people have access to their rights through us.
We are also constantly innovating. Behind the scenes it may not seem like much changes, but in my 5+ years I’ve seen us transform over and over again to better support our customers. All of our innovation is aimed at giving people more control, faster service and less hassle – who doesn’t want to work for an innovator!

What is the best part of your role?

Community Expos and Wānanga. Nothing gets me more excited at work than seeing people who know they deserve better, and realise that they can improve their lives by taking control of the support available to them. Sharing my knowledge of Self-Directed Funding never gets old.

If you weren't working for Manawanui - what would your dream role be, and why?

I would love to turn one of my passions into a living. I find such personal joy and fulfilment from surfing, so my dream would be to share the joy with disabled people by supporting them to surf. I’ve seen it in action volunteering through the Disabled Surfers Association and I know it makes a difference.

Simon Anderson Surfing

What's superpower skill do you possess that would surprise your co-workers?

I’m a fantastic freestyle cook. I’ll make magnificent meals as long as I’m not following a recipe. As soon as I follow steps it’s average, but I can whip up a feast from whatever’s available with ease. I think I inherited this skill from my mother!

Finally, you must hear some amazing customer stories. What story best epitomises Manawanui  “making a difference”?

Emma Bloxham and her mother Cindy applied to Fund for Good for a suitable stroller that could fit Emma as she had gotten too big for infant and toddler strollers.
But the real heart-warming story comes from using part of their annual allocation to help fund travel to see an overseas Neurology Specialist. Emma went from a prognosis of being completely dependent her entire life, to within a few years walking on her own with a walking frame and on the pathway to walking completely unassisted within a year.
Through Cindy and Emma’s determination the transformation in terms of independence and what’s possible for Emma is more than I’ve ever seen before.
Thank you, Simon. All the best in your expanded role, and we look forward to seeing you at more community events and of course every Tuesday on the Facebook Livestreams.